Two new cross-border EU technical assistance projects have been launched at Uzhhorod National University almost simultaneously. Over the last two months, Uzhhorod National University has been awarded two grants totaling half a million euro, which will be used to study and ensure energy efficiency. One of them is the project "Cross-Border Cooperation Smart Energy" (CBCSmartEnergy) implemented as a part of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2020. Partners of UzhNU are the International Association of Regional Development Institutions (Ukraine) and Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania).

The project goal is to increase the use of new technologies and innovative tools in the field of renewable energy, which will be achieved by promoting and supporting sustainable research and innovation in the border regions of Ukraine and Romania. It is also planned to create a powerful platform for carrying out joint research and development activities (including the purchase of the appropriate equipment) in the field of renewable energy and resource efficiency. The project started on March 13, 2020, its duration is 18 months.

“It’s a huge responsibility to implement international projects, however, they provide additional opportunities for the development of the university. The awarded grant is an indicator of trust from the international community and university’s good reputation in scientific circles. It should be mentioned that several international conferences, scientific and practical seminars and trainings on energy efficiency and renewable energy will be held as part of the project, which is important for the oblast and the region as a whole. Due to the practical, scientific and educational componens of the project implementation, the promotion of environmental protection will be carried out." Oksana Svezhentseva, the head of the International Relations Department of Uzhhorod National University, notes.

Myroslava Lendel, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Research and International Relations, says: “This project is unique due to the combination of educational, scientific and institutional components. The educational component is implemented through the introduction of a training course "Fundamentals of Energy Audit and Energy Management" for students of the Engineering Faculty, and in the future the Faculty of Physics and other natural sciences faculties of Uzhhorod National University. Thus, UzhNU students will obtain professional basic knowledge of conducting energy audits and energy management activities. Concerning the scientific component, it is planned to carry out the research on the best practices in the area of alternative energy sources usage and effective solutions for energy management in the communities of Transcarpathia. As for the institutional component, a center and a laboratory for energy management will be established at the Faculty of Engineering, and a smart lighting control system will be installed in one of the buildings of Uzhhorod National University."

Based on the results of the project, energy audit and energy management research will be carried out using innovative tools and technologies for local communities and areas. The sustainable energy use in the border region will also be improved through efficient and innovative energy solutions in communities provided through cooperation with universities and professional institutions. According to the project participants, a strategic approach to energy efficiency will be introduced, and activities aimed at promoting and supporting research and innovation in energy efficiency will be correlated on both sides of the Romanian and Ukrainian border.

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