The goal is to increase of the usage of new technologies and innovations in the field of renewable energy provided by promotion and support to researches and innovations in the border regions of Ukraine and Romania. Establishment of a strong platform for joint research actions and studies in the field of renewable energy and resource efficiency.
Among the objectives are:
- Creation of the institutional and informational basis for conducting theoretical and practical baseline researches on efficient energy consumption in border regions of Romania and Ukraine with the focus on universities and practical introductions in the communities through the establishment of specialized Energy Innovation Centers and Energy Laboratories, energy monitoring and providing support for communities and young specialists as well as students; creating trained teams in each partner region through common trainings of the personnel that will be running the Center and will be able to teach and advice the visitors on sustainable energy and climate change issues.
- Development of the Cross-Border Cooperation Energy Concept for pilot communities and universities based on the clusters approach “Universities-Communities”; strengthening cross-border cooperation; facilitating the exchange of experience and best practices between the partners and pilot communities regarding regional sustainable energy strategies, awareness and education policies, actions and projects carried out in their region through workshops and study tours organized in each partner region. It will be achieved through performing energy audits in main buildings of the universities and in pilot communities in Romania and Ukraine.
- Introduction of the studying programmes in energy management in Romania and Ukraine.